Mudra Healing Session for Reducing Stress & Anxiety, Calming the Nervous System, Building Resiliency and Patience

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Mudra Healing Session for Reducing Stress & Anxiety, Calming the Nervous System, Building Resiliency and Patience


This 9 minute practice will: Reduce Stress & Anxiety, Calm Your Nervous System, Build Resiliency, Presence, and Patience

De-stress. Calm your nervous system. Cultivate presence, resiliency and patience.

Learn a graceful flow of 6 Mudras + HeartMath + Polyvagal

Fill your well of inner peace, strength, center and love. This flow practice is like a dance, utilizing mudras that bring shifts to energy, emotions, mind, and consciousness.

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Mudras are ancient hand gestures that create change in our energy flows. You can think of holding each mudra akin to activating acupuncture points or increasing, decreasing or balancing certain flows in your system.

 Through the mudras and the power of your intention, this practice can be a powerful embodied meditation and healing treatment you can do for yourself.

Watch the welcome video for free HERE 


PDF File: Upon purchase please download the pdf file. This file contains the password you need to access the videos and instructions.

Video #1: Welcome & Details about this Mudra Session (3:10 minutes) You may watch this one for free HERE

Video #2: Mudra Session with Detailed Instruction (19:04 minutes)

Video #3: Mudra Session Without Verbal Instruction (9:12 minutes)

“A few days after I began doing the mudra practice, something came up that I'd usually have a tense reaction to. I noticed, however, that I was feeling calm. I didn't go into thinking that I should be calm or trying to be calm. I was just calm.” - K.F., New York